This morning, after baths and shampoos for everyone, Lyla ended up taking a morning nap - which is rare for her these days. Madelyn and Sienna began playing together and just seemed to go from one happy little activity to another together - also rare! Madelyn, as usual, played the role of ringleader/activity coordinator, and for whatever reason Sienna was just being easygoing this morning and happy to oblige. So they started off by putting on costumes, and getting ready for the big show that they were going to put on in Lyla's room (which is a big empty "bonus room" on the second floor that has cathedral ceilings, and nothing in it but Lyla's pack-n-play and a clock radio the kids have been using as a boom box for mega dance productions) as soon as she woke up. Madelyn then decided they needed to dress up the costumes a bit more, so they moved into the kitchen and we set up craft stuff. Maddie drew huge flower petals on all different pieces of construction paper, then drew a belt for me to cut out for her (kids scissors are among the missing!) so she could glue them on to the belt and dress up her outfit. Sienna preferred to practice letters, but did a little jazzing up of her own with a headband.
After finishing up and determining the costumes were ready, Madelyn started teaching Sienna the words to her new song, "Best Sisters." The two of them sang together, arms around eachother, and it nearly melted my heart. I always wanted sisters (sorry Dave and Rich!) and I just think they're so so lucky to have each have two sisters. Amidst all the fighting that goes on each day, it was such a nice change to hear them loving on eachother and appreciating having eachother around. Soon they were singing at the top of their lungs, which probably woke poor Lyla Lu. But she woke up in good spirits and quickly joined in the singing and production. By then M had taken off her costume, but Sienna was still looking all Jane Fonda-esque in Maddie's dance leotard (backwards, of course), ballet slippers, and elastic headband. Besides being sweet to watch, the whole morning just allowed me to get so much done! I was able to wash and fold a load of laundry, make pancakes from scratch with homemade blueberry syrup, and get a whole batch of fresh tomato sauce made while they played together. Alas, it didn't last forever...the fighting eventually did start up. But it gives me hope that despite the fighting, they really are developing into the best of friends.