We've added a new post-work activity to the daily routine. If it's not swelteringly hot (which seems to be rare!), we've taken to after work bike rides, now that the bikes arrived in our partial shipment from the moving truck. Yes, that means our things have arrived here in Arkansas - and are now in a storage area somewhere, eek! In any event, Maddie had outgrown her bike and we all headed to Walmart on Sunday afternoon to get a larger one that we had promised before leaving Massachusetts. She's getting pretty decent without training wheels and can go about 30 feet, but she doesn't often choose to try without her training wheels. So for now, she's graduated up to a 16" bike with training wheels. She picked a very girly Hello Kitty model, complete with handlebar streamers. She loves it and has had no problem switching to the larger size and is now trying continually to beat her own fastest record and go as fast as she possibly can. Speed demon!
Lyla enjoys riding in the bike seat on the back of Brad's bike, and I have to say...I'm relieved not to have to pull that big ol' bike trailer around all the time with two heavy kids inside. While we still like to use the trailer now and again, I much prefer the full family activity with everyone on bikes. In the neighborhood we're in, we can actually ride on the sidewalks up to the community pool, etc. so we'll probably try that at some point, though the life jackets and noodles add a bit of cargo that might take some configuring!
Hi everyone, We love the new pictures and Maddie's new Hello Kitty bike! Very nice. Looks like everyone enjoys biking there.
Before long, no one will need those guard wheels! The girls are getting bigger and taller by the day. Must be that warm Arkansas weather! Enjoy. Love, Mom & Dad
Hi again,
Correction: We DO have that cute picture of the 3 girls in their denim outfits! I've got it in a
4 x 6 frame and it's just adorable! Thanks again.
Love the pics! Looks like everyone is enjoying their new home. Love checking the blog for updates. :) Miss you guys!
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