Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Here's to a new year!

Happy 2008! I missed posting on January 1st by a few minutes, but have been reflecting the past couple of days on what my resolutions for the year should be. I'm so-so when it comes to keeping my resolutions. I pretty much never forget about them during the year, but I definitely go back and forth between really keeping them and just totally ignoring them. Still, I do think that the first of the year is a great time to set some goals for yourself, try to frame up what you want the year to be all about , what you'd like to accomplish, etc. So with that in mind, here are a few I've come up with:

- Getting and staying fit. I've been on a diet/weight loss/exercise kick for a while now, and am just about at my goal. But now that I've lost a decent amount of weight, I really want to get in great shape. Brad gave me a number of things for Christmas to help me keep up with my exercise at home (things I asked for!), so I have no excuse. My motto: "Fab shape in '08!"

- Planning meals in advance, and eating together as a family. This is a tough one for me -- three young kids at dinner time can really make it difficult, if not next to impossible, to find something we can all sit down, eat together, and actually like. Add to that the fact that we both work full time and 5-7 PM is sort of the crazy time in our household, and it gets even more difficult. But Maddie has really been into the idea of us all eating together lately, and I don't have any good explanations for her as to why I can't make that happen. So this is one I will make happen this year. I also want to be better at planning more effective grocery shopping trips, so having meals planned out in advance should definitely help.

- Having more patience to get through the toddler/preschool phases the kids seem to continuously throw my way. I don't really know if this one is a resolution, or a plea for a total personality change on my part, LOL! It falls into the category of annoying resolutions for me, because it's very vague and hard to put an actual plan behind. But it's something I'm going to work on.

- Visiting a financial planner and getting a solid plan in place for retirement, college savings, etc. Having just turned 34, I'm thinking it's time for a bit of a "master plan," so to speak. No more flying by the seat of our pants! Honestly, even the thought of paying for three weddings has been freaking me out lately! (And will that even be in any way customary by the time my girls get married? Not even sure how I feel about paying for their weddings, but it's just one of the many expenses I know *could* be on the horizon.)

So there you have it. I'm hoping that by "writing" them out here, I'll have to hold myself accountable a little bit. Stay tuned... I'll report back my progress next year.

1 comment:

Erika said...

The dinner together thing is a great plan! We plan all our meals 2 weeks at a time (and shop accordingly). We HATE when it is time to sit down and make the menu but then we are happy during the week b/c we aren't playing the "what can we have for dinner?" game all the time. It's definitely worth the extra minutes of planning for some together time! Now, I didn't say the kids liked everything we have, but sometimes that's just tough. ;) (My kids are UBER picky though and not as good of eaters as I think M & S are.)