It's been a year since I posted! eek! My mom came for a visit last week and said she checks in every once in a while looking for updates, and has even left a message or two. I haven't even noticed messages coming in, so I guess that means I haven't been on here in quite a while. It's 3 AM and I can't sleep though, so I'm just doing my usual surfing around thing to pass the time. Checking out some good blogs, wishing I had half the creativity and resourcefulness that I see out there! Very impressive. I was thrilled to jump back on and see this adorable pic of my kiddos, though... how they have grown in the past year! It's hard to believe they looked like that last Father's Day!
Much as I love to write about my kids, I'm thinking about starting a new blog with an expanded focus. Still working out the ideas. ;) In the meantime, I'll try to get a newer pic up (and yes Mom, I will try to update every now and again!