Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Stats

Well, we're back from Lyla's 4 month appointment and both kids survived their shots. In fact, they did really well! Lyla fell asleep in my arms while we were waiting for the nurse to come back and do her 3 shots, and while she did cry when they gave her the shots, it was almost like she was crying in her sleep...as soon as the bandaids were on, she was right back to sleep like it had never happened. Sienna was a total champ and didn't even flinch when they gave her the shot -- no tears or protests whatsoever! I was a proud mommy.

Lyla seems to be our little peanut...she's dropped down to the 40th percentile for weight (13 lbs 5 oz.) from the 72nd percentile at 2 months, but she's in the 68th percentile for height at 24 3/4 inches. I'm totally not used to having a child that's not filled with rolls by now...I joked with the pediatrician that it's such a new experience to have a baby whose neck I can actually find while bathing her! Ha ha. Given that she's meeting or exceeding all of her gross motor skills development milestones and moving all over the place, the pediatrician isn't concerned about her drop on the weight curve. She figures she'll probably start evening off by the time she hits her 6 month appointment, so I guess we're ok until then.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Go girls!!!! How nice that the shots weren't too bad! Yay on the weights, too! We need some new pics of Lyla...she's probably changed a lot since I last "saw" her! Crazy flooding, too! Is the street under warranty, too? LOL!